Blog Assignment #4

In the article One Nation, In Sickness And In Health written by Michael Winship, he makes an argument that President Trump is ruining our health care system not by promising a new so called replaceable one, but by degrading and deconstructing Obamacare. He also argues that Trump is running our country and government into the ground by creating policies on the merits of incompetence, ego, and petty vengeance of scraping Obama’s name in the dirt.
This article is intended for the people who believe the Trump administration, and Trump himself, that they are doing everything they can to provide “better” healthcare to U.S. citizens. We can also consider Congress as an intended audience since this article is meant to inform the readers of the status of our healthcare system, and to persuade Congress make the morally right steps for our healthcare system. The author of this article is a senior writer of Moyers & Company, and he served as the president of the Writers Guild of America, which is a labor union composed of other writers. Since he is considered a senior writer, he has a lot of experience with informing the public using his powerful voice. Since we know he is a member of a labor union, we can trust that he has good intentions to make sure the people deserve the healthcare they need.
Winship acknowledges that our healthcare system isn’t perfect right now, but it doesn’t mean that we aren’t making the right step into the direction of an ideal healthcare system. He respects the staff at the hospitals like the doctors and nurses since they provide help and hope to the people who have to be at a hospital to take care of whatever mishap they have. Fortunately, the Republicans have been unsuccessful in repealing Obamacare, but president Trump abuses his power by issuing executive orders to mock the whole point of medicine, which is to help not destroy.
One of the executive orders he issued was one that cut subsidies to health insures that help cover the costs of medical insurance for those who have a low income. By doing this, it increase how much money people need to pay for their insurance policies, thus resulting in costing the government $194 billion over the next ten years. The author presents this statistic to support is argument of the strains of the executive orders Trump is releasing in order to provide us with this almighty healthcare that is supposedly better than Obamacare.
The author also mentions in his article that in order to fix our healthcare system, we must study it and have determination to create something that serves the general good for the people. So far, none of this hard work is present in Washington. Due to this absence of hard work, the healthcare system will continue to be seen more as a business than as a safe haven. Medicine is a products, and patients are the customers, and sometimes not all customers can afford to pay for products that are necessary for sustainability of life.
Overall, the author of this article conduct a ton of research and analysis of our healthcare system, and the current mindset President Trump has to deal with this issue of healthcare. Medical care needs to be something that is beneficial, something that sustains our society, and as a protection against foreign agents that endanger our health. Right now, the person calling the shots right now to control the direction of our healthcare is someone fueled by vengeance and a determination to tarnish Obamacare.


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